
The Mission of LBDI

The LB Discipleship Institute serves the church and the world by equipping members of the body of Christ to be disciples of Christ who are carrying out His Great Commission.

Our Objectives

In service of CLB congregations, the objectives of the CLB Discipleship Institute are to provide resources, opportunities, and learning environments that will allow the participants to:

  1. Apply Scriptural precepts in their daily lives based on a working knowledge of the Bible
  2. Develop the skills to do ministry in the body of Christ and in the world they interact with on a daily basis
  3. Develop biblically-based convictions of the truths that Scripture provides about God and the relationship the believer has with Him through the person and work of Jesus Christ
  4. Exhibit the character traits of a follower of Christ as they are portrayed in Jesus’ life and in the writings of Scripture as the Holy Spirit produces growth in their lives.